HdG Independence Day Information


JULY 2, 2017 Parade, Downtown Block Party,
Concert & Fireworks



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PLEASE NOTE: The Havre de Grace Police will remove any lawn chairs, blankets, etc. that are set-up on the area between the sidewalk and the street before 8 a.m. the day of the Parade (Sunday, July 2nd)
You can NOT set anything out along the Parade Route before 8 A.M. on Sunday, July 2, 2017 (Parade Day) It will be removed by the Havre de Grace City Police.

Want to be part of the parade???
  The committee needs Approx. 24 kids to hold advertisement banners before the bands in the Parade. (2 kids each banner.)
You’ll get a FREE T-shirt and a voucher for an ice cream!! 
If interested, please email: hdgjuly4th@gmail.com


Want to Join Our Block Party?

What: A “First Friday” type of vibe with the closures of streets; vendors and music
Where: N. Washington St and Pennington Area
When: Sunday, July 2 begins after the Parade – approx. 4 pm 

We are accepting vendors for our Downtown Block Party for the Havre de Grace Independence Celebration on Sunday, July 2, 2017. The parade starts at 2 pm. The Downtown Block Party will begin at 4 p.m.
If you’d like to join our party, please download the application and get it back to us ASAP! Time is short, but we’d love to have you!


Screen Shot 2017-06-29 at 5.55.16 PMThe Amish Outlaws will be performing at Hutchins Park on July 2nd at 7:00 p.m.
Food and beverages will be for sale. NO Coolers, bottles, outside alcohol or weapons will be permitted in the park.
For more information: havredegracejuly4.org or call 410-939-2100


What:  A beautiful display lasting 20-22 minutes
Where: Shot from barge just east from Tydings Park, south of the Concord Point Lighthouse – between park, lighthouse, and bay
When:  Dusk – approx. 9:15 pm –  on Sunday, July 2, 2017 with a rain date of July 3, 2017.
Flare Test:  Showed a need for a minimum of 4 inch (400 feet) shells
Viewing Area: Best areas will be Concord Point Park, Tydings Basin, Maritime Museum, Decoy Museum, and Veterans Park, Hutchins Park


fireworks cruise

FYI: CARNIVAL – TBA (Later This Summer)

We are planning for a carnival to take place the week days prior to Labor Day and over the Labor Day weekend.  A few possibilities are being considered and the committee needs to take the time to meet with each and choose best suited. The key factor is the Carnival will help raise funds for the 2018 Independence Festivities. Check back for details as they develop.

Thank you to the HdG Independence Day Committee, The Volunteers, Sponsors & YOU for your support

4th committe


HdG Independence Day Information

The Boutique @ Joseph’s Department Store is Here!


After a few years of planning, remodeling, coming up with a new plan, and changing it again, (and again) Joseph’s “Next-Door” is officially a “thing”  We considered turning it into a toy room, or a men’s work wear store, even a giant bargain bin to merchandise old inventory (cut-rate-Joes, say what?),  But in the end, Christy had a vision.  “The Boutique at Joseph’s” will be an on-going project all year long, coming up with the theme was the hard part.  Merchandising some of our favorite ladies brands is the fun part.   We officially opened the “B@JDS” on First Friday, just about 2 weeks ago and the feedback has been positive.  Some of our customers are still looking for the “clearance room,” our goal is to continue to offer discounted inventory at low prices, but instead of dedicating the entire space next door to a giant bargain bin, we’ll have sale racks throughout Joseph’s where you’ll be able to save.

Thank you for your continued support.  Keeping a small business open for 8 decades isn’t something we take for granted.  We appreciate all of our customers, old and new.

We hope you’ll enjoy an out of mall “boutique” shopping experience at Joseph’s.

The Boutique @ Joseph’s Department Store is Here!