All in a days Work

Do you ever wonder why the day you thought you were going to have didn’t turn out that way?  I mean do any of us wake up and think ” well today I want something unusual to happen and mess up my whole schedule”?  No I don’t think we do.  But today I found it quite interesting that a system we ordered months ago seems to be missing a key component. I mentioned it is a computer system, right?  I have a printer a monitor and no computer . I know as soon as I buy another one, it will turn up.  So off to search for the computer  I go… wish me luck- if not iim going old school on this system and use Crayons !!!

All in a days Work

Hello world or at least Havre de Grace .

You have found our new Blog.  what do we intend to do with it you ask? Well , just like our store a little bit of everything– except politics.  Lets keep it light and fun!!  Of course we can blog about fashion, whats happening around town and just general life on the bay.  So go ahead and ask my opinion , because I will probably throw it out there anyway.

Well that’s the end of my creative streak for the night.  Lets see what comes next

“Joe” @ Joseph’s Department  store

Happy blogging!

Hello world or at least Havre de Grace .